Friday, December 12, 2008


Doubt went from Broadway to Palm Springs to examine the certainty and truths that we can believe without proof. PSIFS held its member screening of the film last night.

What did you think?


Dan Paicopulos said...

Thank the muses i don't have to view any movies - and especially this one - like a professional film critic. If I did, I'd have to comment on the heavy-handed use of metaphors (a cat and mouse, for goodness sake!), or on who was really directing, Streep or Shanley. As it is, I simply enjoyed the experience, and the variety of interpretations by the actors, as well as a currently timely topic, set 45 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Streep made one very scary Nun! Now I know what my ex-husband told me about Catholic school was true. It's the old boy’s school all over. Recommend it and give it an "A"

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